Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Alas! The long awaited non-picture-y post from K3Y! The moment you have all been waiting for! It's highlighted to catch all of your attentions, punks.

 Heck flipping yes. What does that picture even mean? The meaning of life or some shale? It's so deep I can't even begin to explain...

The best story ever

Long long ago, there were some gifs, but they wouldn't load on here so they're links:

A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

Firebending is scary.
Some people gave no cares about this, and went on with their lives. 
Some people gave a lot of cares:
The old avatar, John, had a skybison named Casey. 
Except now they were both dead. 
(because John is clueless)
Then there was a new avatar!
(because Karkat is SPECIAL)

Then Avatar Karkat found some hatefriends to help him on his quest. 

And found this chick:
And saved(?) her from fighting this dude.
Meanwhile trouble was brewing....

"I am EVIL! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!"
Not sure where Zuko is, so here's another pic of Karkat being a grouch. 
I found Zuko.
Since Zuko was so incompetent about killing things, Azula stepped in with her buddies. 
The creepy emotionless one 0_0
And the adorable one!

Gamzee vs Dave...?

Sollux vs Eridan!
Maybe forgetting someone... lots of someones... hm. 

*Because I'm bored now*

Weekly-ish photo fun!

Sorry, nothing much to say today. Please enjoy some pictures.
Dis be dear sweet precious Fefetasprite...


The above three photos are from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Sora and John essentially have the same personality. 
*Brain moment: as do Dave and Riku*

Stupid quote, cool pic. Next photo editing post will be about stupid quotes, okay?


*Your life will change. It's all the genres of  musics. All of them.*

Shipping is risky business.

Humanstuck. The last two are- wait for it- HIPSTERSTUCK.

*it's okay, Dalek Ballerina!*

Me turning finals week: *I knew I was forgetting to STUDY!*

And that's Kairi, folks. 

And Eleven. 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tutorial: That Children's Best-Seller You've Always Dreamed Of

So here I am on the internet, browsing books, when I come across this beauty:
SO right away I'm overcome with emotion of seeing this great work of art... wow. Just wow. 
Today's tutorial is going to show you (AKA my invisible audience) how to do amazing children's book covers for your own future best sellers!
This tutorial will be quite long. 
First, select a main character. 

This is mine. What can I say, green inspired me! hehe. 
Upload picture, then you must crop it so all the white goes away. Cut OUT the character. I was able to use the polygon/freeform tool and cut out Nepeta like a pro ;) *after a lot of time*
{also, you can use the "paint bucket" to fill in the background with a random color, then magic wand can cut out the picture really well.}
Next, go down on the left-side toolbar and click "copy to clipboard."

Now, go under "File" and click "new blank image."

Proceed to use gradients, paint, pencil, and generally ridiculous effects to make a background. 
*note- or you can start with a picture and use effects. 
Here's the first I did from a blank image. 

Lovely, no? Here's one I did from a google image. 
Snazzy, no? It's even animated :0

File-> paste image from clipboard. 
Next, go to text! 
Hint- under "help" there's a thing called "font search" with REAL fonts. 
Have you ever seen a more beautiful children's book? NEVER. ABSOLUTELY NEVER.

Future book ideas: John and the Magic Hand
Red-alicious(featuring Terezi)
Vriska and the Great Flarp Adventure
Tavros and the Magical Beasts (followed by the sequel, Adventures in Crippled-ness)
Jade and the Squiddle Science Catastrophe

Post yours in comments!